What makes a good bedding for horses?

Several materials have been used for bedding a horse's stall. Rubber mats, paper, straw, wood shavings, flax and hemp, shredded wood fiber, and cardboard are all used for the purpose, and every material has pros and cons.

Pine shavings have outnumbered all other bedding options used over time, and here are some reasons to back this claim.

●      Absorbency. Pine shavings are good absorbent. Bedding with poor absorption increases the levels of ammonia in the stall, which affect the horse's respiratory health.

●      Softness. Pine shavings can make soft bedding for horses as they provide cushion to their joints while lying down, increasing traction. They are particularly suitable for senior racehorses.

●      Cost-effective. Pine shavings last longer than other kinds of bedding, so they save up on labor. How often you change them is a matter of personal preference but bedding 3 to 6 inches deep can easily last a couple of months. 

●      Eco friendly. Pine shavings are 100% organic and can directly be put into litter compost or used as manure fertilizer. They are also super easy to clean out of the stall.

●      Varying sizes. Pine shavings come in varying sizes, from large, fluffy ones to more minor, finer shaving sizes.

●      Safe to use. Pine shavings are the safest bedding you can set up for your horse because it keeps colic away. Pine shavings are also the best option for horses that tend to eat away their bedding.

●      Odour control. Pine shavings have an odour-cancelling property, which prevents the stall from mold, causing moisture and smelling bad.

●      Natural anti-allergen. Since pine shaving companies use high heat technology to dry their pine shavings, they produce zero dust, which removes most of the allergens and hence keeps allergy problems in horses at bay.

Choosing the most suitable bedding for your horse is a matter of personal preference, and you don't necessarily need to stick with the rut. Since many bedding options are available, you can choose one that saves time and money, helps compost, has fewer allergy problems, and is space effective.


Reference & Further Readings:




Impacts on your horse when using low quality bedding