Impacts on your horse when using low quality bedding

The role bedding has impacts our horses lives on a daily basis that we may not realize. Bedding type, quality, cleanliness and depth can positively impact the sleep quality and the wellbeing of your horse. You have to be careful of certain types of materials for bedding, such as wood chips and sawdust.

Wood chips are a choice people may use for bedding their horse stalls, but they are not as absorbent as other wood products like shavings or pellets. They can also be uncomfortable to the horse depending on the quality and size of the chips.

Sawdust is another wood product that can be used for horse bedding, because is inexpensive and available in many areas. The negative thing is that it has a lot of dust, which can irritate your horse’s eyes and nose especially when your horse is walking around his stall. It’s not recommended for people or horses that have respiratory issues.

Always remember that it’s very important to take the necessary time to shop around and ask questions. Investigate bedding types and sources available locally. Your vet is an excellent resource and can work with you on suitable bedding material, even more if your horse has allergies or other problems.


What makes a good bedding for horses?


Why invest in good horse bedding and how to make the right choice