Why invest in good horse bedding and how to make the right choice

There are quite a few options available today, from wood based products such as shavings and wood pellets to straw bedding, rubber mats, and other alternative choices that are available depending on your location. Keep in mind that every horse is different and the type of stall bedding that you choose will depend on your horse’s individual needs such as allergies or how much time he spends in his stall. Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting what type of bedding would work best for you and your horse.


What makes a good bedding for horses

Each type of bedding has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration. For example, if your horse has respiratory problems then your main concern is how dusty is the bedding, but if your horse is an older horse then the comfort becomes more of a priority.

One of the main purposes is to quickly absorb urine and moisture, as you don’t want your horse standing on wet bedding and exposed to odors. Also, if your horse is kept in a stall with no turn out area, you’ll need to provide a type of bedding that is soft and comfortable.

Wood shavings are a popular choice since they are soft, highly absorbent and easy to clean. It’s important that you use shavings that are produced specifically for horse bedding, because some wood products, such as black walnut, are toxic to horses. Most horses are generally not interested in eating shavings, although there are exceptions where some may find them tasty. You’ll need to test your horse first before you decide to bed his entire stall.

Wood pellets are a good choice since they are initially sterilized to reduce bacteria, plus they are anti-odor and typically not dusty. If you decide to use them you will need to sprinkle water on the pellets first to help soften them so they can expand into soft, fluffy bedding. The only negative thing is that pellets are expensive, and it’s not recommended to use them in cold climates.


Impacts on your horse when using low quality bedding